Bill Brigden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems like a small thing, but could the reply-to be set to the list - as
> I have replied to messages before and not replied to the list - so when
> people look through archives it seems like some questions remain unanswered
> when infact they may have done!
> Also - a really small thing, but when replying to people, they reply to the
> list and the poster, so people like me get 2 copies of the mail!
> This is just what I have picked up on while being on the list - feel free to
> shoot my comments down!

Adding Reply-To is opening a can of worms.

Good mailers have three options: reply to sender, reply to all and reply
to list. If we add Reply-To, you'll be always limited to reply to list,
unless you edit your To/CC addresses by hand.

You should always only reply to list unless the other person askes to
also reply to him ("Please also reply to me as I'm not subscribed to the
list"). As we require subscription, this is not required and you should
always reply only to list.

Besides, unfortunatly lots of people use broken mail agents, broken mail
servers and broken "vacation" scripts, and if you have Reply-To, you'll
get NDR's, virus and vacation notices to the list instead of going to
sender, which is very bad.

No Reply-To is common usage in most FreeSoftware's important mailing
lists and we'd like to keep it this way.

> Regards,
> Bill.

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