On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 8:47 AM, Jóhann B. Guðmundsson <johan...@gmail.com>

> On 05/12/2016 08:07 AM, Tomasz Torcz wrote:
>> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 09:36:32AM +0200, Jan Kurik wrote:
>>> = Proposed System Wide Change: Use /etc/distro.repos.d as default
>>> reposdir =
>>> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ReposInEtcDistroReposD
>>> Change owner(s):
>>> * Neal Gompa <ngompa13 at gmail dot com>
>>> * Jan Silhan <jsilhan at fedoraproject dot org>
>>> == Detailed Description ==
>>> For DNF 2.0 in Fedora 25, the DNF team would like to make the default
>>> repository configuration directory /etc/distro.repos.d. In contrast to
>>> /etc/yum.repos.d (current default path), /etc/distro.repos.d path is a
>>> package manager agnostic name and less misleading. The configuration
>>> files are currently used by DNF, PackageKit, and Yum. The proposed
>>> location more accurately reflects the nature of the repositories, and
>>> also implies that other tools can look there for repository
>>> information. Note: current default repository configuration directory
>>> /etc/yum.repos.d will still be supported by package managers but
>>> /etc/distro.repos.d would be preferred default path.
>>    Shouldn't that be /usr/lib/distro.repos.d (for distribution-provided
>> data) with usual rules for overriding/masking in /etc/distro.repos.d (for
>> local administrator)?
> More like /usr/lib/rpm.repos.d to be generic, distro and 3rd party
> agnostic but yeah this should reside there these days . . .

I like rpm.repos.d since that is accurate to what type of repo it is and
leaves the door open for other types of repos to follow the convention. I
would argue the correct place is /etc/rpm.repos.d since it is not data but
rather config information. If the enable argument was specified outside of
the repo information, then I could see the repo information being
considered data, but as it is, the appropriate place seems, /etc/rpm.repos.d

As far as anything more generic, like packages.repos.d or disto.repos.d, I
think that would only be appropriate if the file suffix was changed from
.repo to .rpm so any other potential repo types could be stored there. But
that opens the door to which package owns the directory and that directory
already gets cluttered, so it's best to keep them separate.
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