On 05/17/2016 02:14 PM, Honza Šilhan wrote:
there are a lot of good suggestions about the path name in the discussion.
`/etc/distro.repos.d` probably wasn't the best chosen path so we've changed
it to `/etc/repos.d` in the proposal. Moreover I've mentioned there possible 
path name
alternatives like /etc/software.repos.d, /etc/vendors.repos.d, /etc/rpm.repos.d,
/etc/rpm-md.repos.d, /etc/system.repos.d. The type of the metadata format could
be defined by `type` option in the file itself like Suse does so we don't need
to have any specifier before `repos.d`.

You do realize that if you are going the "too generic route of repos.d" and change it to /usr/lib/repos.d ( as opposed to /usr/lib/rpm.repos.d ) then you need to add distinction in file name ending that might be used ( <foo>- <packagemanager>.conf ) or use a sub directory within that directory like repos.d/rpm which would contain foo.repo or something similar or have all package manager to use the same configuration file format for all package managers ( rpm,maven, npm, rubygems etc ) that migt end up using that "too generic" repos.d directory directly.

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