On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 12:16 PM, Adam Williamson
<adamw...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On Mon, 2017-12-18 at 11:09 -0800, Gerald B. Cox wrote:
>> First of all, when you install Fx, it asks you specifically if you want to
>> participate in Fx Data Collection - you can opt out at that point.
> Well, not quite. I installed Firefox rather a long time ago on this
> system. Again I can't prove it, but at that time I believe this
> question and preference referred *only* to 'data collection'. However,
> since then, a new sub-preference seems to have appeared, labelled
> 'Allow Firefox to install and run studies'. It appears, so far as I can
> tell, that they are claiming this promotional tie-in constituted a
> "study". That's a weak claim to start with, but more importantly, I am
> fairly sure this "Allow Firefox to install and run studies" preference
> was simply set to 'true' when it was *added* to Firefox. I was not
> asked. If I had been, I'm pretty sure I would've said no.

I don't remember being actively asked about such data collection, and
I've recently installed on a clean system, nightly on Fedora, and then
final releases of 57 on Windows and macOS. Does anyone have a screen
shot or description of what this "ask" looks like, and when it

Chris Murphy
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