On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 12:23 PM, Adam Williamson <
adamw...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:

> On Mon, 2017-12-18 at 20:52 +0100, Florian Weimer wrote:
> <snip>
> So I just booted Firefox 27 Workstation live and opened Firefox.
> Indeed, a pop-under tab appears with this URL (so you can close it
> without even seeing it).

If you're concerned about security and privacy, you have to read.  It's not
fair to cast aspersions
because you weren't paying attention.

The relevant text reads:
> <snip>
> I would suggest that nothing in this text reasonably covers "shield
> studies"; it was clearly written to cover old-school telemetry, not
> this later and more extensive capability to install custom-written add-
> ons to perform additional data collection. Yet the "Allow Firefox to
> install and run studies" checkbox is checked by default.

If you read the page, you'll see where there is a highlighted phrase that
"Choose how you want to share this data in Firefox" following by a
selection button.
You are then taken to a page where you can opt-out and read more about the
Fx Studies.

> And in any case, a tie-in with a television-show related game is
> clearly neither telemetry nor some kind of user interaction study. Yet
> to me, Mozilla's response does not seem to convey understanding of this
> at all. It basically just says "oh don't worry it didn't do anything by
> default", which is sort of grandly missing the point.
> Mozilla has already admitted they made a mistake and removed Looking Glass
from the
Fx Studies.  I believe they understand the situation quite well.  It's not
helpful to beat
a dead horse.
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