Dne 06. 11. 19 v 5:21 Randy Barlow napsal(a):
> On Tue, 2019-11-05 at 21:17 -0500, Neal Gompa wrote:
>> This feature of "slotting" multiple EVRs of the same name actually
>> already exists in RPM. DNF currently restricts this to packages that
>> contain one of the following provides:
>> * installonlypkg(kernel)
>> * installonlypkg(kernel-module)
>> * installonlypkg(vm)
>> * multiversion(kernel)
>> It's not terribly difficult to extend this functionality to apply
>> more
>> broadly than kernels and VM images wrapped in RPMs. :)
> That's a good point. I had actually noticed that the kernel was
> "special" in this regard.
> Is this hardcoded in dnf? When I grep for "installonly", I see this:
> /etc/dnf/dnf.conf:installonly_limit=3
> I guess that's why I get 3 kernels, but I'm wondering if I can expand
> that set as a user? Probably not a good idea to mess with ☺

Just FTR:


The DNF is completely different today. Anybody wants to propose this
idea again?


> In any case, you are right that we could make it so other packages
> allowed installing more than one of the same name using this, but there
> would need to be awareness of which ones can and can't be
> simultaneously installed, and that's what Gentoo's slot feature
> achieves. For example, we could start calling python simply "python",
> but there would have to be a way to denote that some Python's can and
> can't be parallel installed (you can't parallel install a 3.6.1 and
> 3.6.2, but you *can* parallel install a 3.6.1 and a 3.5.2), and also
> that some other packages cannot be parallel installed (like grep, since
> it occupies /usr/bin/grep). But yeah, it does sound like dnf does have
> some of the code we'd need to do that.

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