On Tue, Mar 9, 2021 at 12:10 AM Alexander Ploumistos
<alex.ploumis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> Upstream has just released a bugfix update for Molsketch and it's the
> kind of update that can't wait for the next fedora release. Among the
> other fixes, the new version has dropped support for Qt4 and with it,
> the -qt5 suffixes of several files.
> While testing it, I realized that after the update, a line in
> ~/.config/SourceForge/Molsketch.conf has to change from
> obabel-iface-path=/usr/lib64/molsketch/libobabeliface-qt5.so
> to
> obabel-iface-path=/usr/lib64/molsketch/libobabeliface.so
> (on a x86_64 system) otherwise features from OpenBabel are not
> available to the program.
> Is there something I can do to sed out the -qt5 suffix, or should I
> just bite the bullet, build the update and wait for the bug reports to
> come in?

I don't think that packagers should *ever* be in the business of
modifying the content of users' $HOME directories.

Usually, I'd say that a major change like from Qt4 to Qt5 would
warrant only shipping this with the next Fedora version (and
mentioning the change in the Fedora Release Notes, maybe), but if you
don't want to wait for that, the best I think you can do is to make it
very clear in the update notes in bodhi that this update might break
things without manually editing that config file.

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