
Am 12.03.21 um 18:50 schrieb Kevin Fenzi:

Well, sure, but I doubt it. None of the pinephone editions has shipped
with Fedora, so it would take people seeking it out and installing it,
so I don't know that there would be too much increase just from this.

It was just a theory, that matched with the points in time.

True, Fedora did not get shiped with the PP CEs, but it's a fact that around Sep. 2020 the popularity of PP kickstarted, due to the available hardware release, which got marked by the CE availability. As anyone could write it's beloved distro release on a sdcard and boot it with any PP, so people did it. Thats also i came to my Fedora PP ;)

We already discussed it in the mobiliy channel, we can add "VARIANT_ID" to our /etc/os-release and mark it mobiliy ( not a finally decided yet ). This way we get more reliable data. This also will help with the question, if an own Fedora Spin is  worth the effort.


I agree, from those numbers, it looks more like x86_64 as source of the increase.

Best regards,
Marius Schwarz
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