On Thu, Jul 22, 2021 at 6:28 AM Vitaly Zaitsev via devel
<devel@lists.fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> On 22/07/2021 00:02, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
> > Even if COPR guidelines allow it, Vitaly, it's a bad idea.
> Yes, I know. Even Flathub uses pre-built binaries[1].

Aaaggh. While I sympathize with your difficulty as someone confronted
with dependency stacks from other projects, I hope you see why it's a

> > I'm
> > startled that the jar files can compile in COPR if they don't compile
> > in the normal Fedora environment. I suspect they can't, the .spec file
> > in the git repo you mentioned doesn't pull source. It pulls a
> > pre-compiled tarball from
> Kotlin compiler is required to build IDEA/PyCharm CE. Currently missing
> on Fedora/EPEL.

OK, I see that IntelliJ and the Kotlin compiler creating "snaps",
which looks like yet another modularized software packaging
infrastructure.... Let's just say that the while approach of
re-inventing software packaging yet again for your particular software
suite is a popular hobby and burns through a great deal of developer
time. Right now, it's been burning yours: I see no trace that pycharm,
or the build tool kotlin, have been successfully compiled by anyone
outside the particular IntelliJ developers who wrote those tarballs.
Do you?
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