> Dne 27. 10. 21 v 21:35 Luca Boccassi napsal(a):
> In repository in general (can be deb, zypper, local directory). Even the 
> offline systems
> have some repository where they 
> get the packages from.
> Miroslav

How do you know which one is it then? You have a core file from a container 
long gone. Do you use dnf? zypper? apt? To which repository do you point them 
to? Did it even have one?
And even if you have all the information, which is far from certain, what if 
what's crashing is what allows you to contact the remote service in the first 
place and all that's working is a serial console? This might not be what you 
personally face daily, but it's what many others do.

With the current system everything needs to align just right. Most often it's 
true and it works beautifully, but not always. In many deployments the 
requirements directly forbid some of the needed pieces. What we are trying to 
do is make sure the bare minimum you get in a core file is usable and 
actionable even when everything has gone horribly wrong, because that's when 
you need it the most. For a ~200 bytes per binary cost, which in other 
situations like for example changing compiler version/flags would be perceived 
as being negligible.
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