Dne 07. 10. 21 v 17:45 Ben Cotton napsal(a):

== Summary ==
Easy the task of removing packages, which were retired and no longer
receives updates.


The change has been approved by FESCO.

The subpackage `remove-retired-packages` is in rawhide now.

It has two binaries (scripts to be precise):

/usr/sbin/remove-retired-packages - this the main part of this change.

/usr/sbin/fedora-remove-old-gpg-keys - removes GPG keys of EOLed Fedora's from your rpmdb. Not part of this change, but I spin it off from fedora-upgrade(8) and I put it in into this package.

Feedback is welcomed.

If there will be no issue I plan to backport it to F35 just after branching of F36, because this will be part of fedora-upgrade(8) and upgrades are tricky because features of F-N needs to be actually put into F-N-1.

Updated package for current Fedoras can be used from my Copr project:

dnf copr enable msuchy/remove-retired-packages


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