I fear there's no non-confusing way to name these packages.

The theory behind the current naming was to stick as close as possible to the upstream pkg-config versions, which are:

webkit2gtk-4.0 (GTK 3, libsoup 2)
webkit2gtk-4.1 (GTK 3, libsoup 3)
webkitgtk-5.0 (GTK 4, libsoup 3)

(webkitgtk-5.0 is still unstable and I just renamed it from webkit2gtk-5.0 last week. That name change not yet reflected in Fedora packaging.) Our packaging guidelines don't allow the use of the hyphen in package names, so that character is removed, but otherwise the name names match the pkg-config API version. I'm open to feedback on this, but my opinion is that having a package name different from upstream and different from what other distributions are doing is not necessarily a good idea. For context, the Arch package names are:


And the Debian names are:


(Debian hasn't packaged -5.0 yet, and requires the soversion appended to the package name.)

I previously proposed changing the GTK 4 API version from -5.0 to -4.5 so that we could sync up with GTK at -5.0, but didn't see much support for the idea. Now would be a perfect time to do so, though, since this API name was just changed a couple days ago anyway.


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