On Mon, 24 Apr 2023 19:47:07 +0200
Kamil Paral <kpa...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Apr 20, 2023 at 11:21 PM Matthew Miller
> <mat...@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> > I propose that we transition devel list, and eventually most of our
> > mailing lists, to Fedora Discussion (our Discourse-powered forum).

> project is going to die eventually. Mailing lists are a big hurdle
> for newcomers. Young people are not used to it (who still uses
> mailing lists, in read-write mode, except for OSS communities?), the
> lists are difficult to set up, the user interfaces are bad, there are
> many peculiarities to be aware of (top-posting, etc).

I think an analogy would be that mailing lists are like vim or emacs,
and web forums are like nano.  To someone who is used to using a power
editor, using nano is irritating.  Sure they can accomplish the task,
but it is like slogging through mud instead of running on a track.
If all you've ever known is slogging through mud, of course, that
is going to be acceptable, and using a power editor is going to be like
slogging through mud (because of the learning curve).

I think that is why there are so many complaints about the switch from
existing mail list users.  They have a system in place that allows them
to run, and really don't want to slog through mud instead.

The change to a forum doesn't really benefit them.  The benefits mainly
accrue to the maintainers and managers of the forums, not the users.  I
suppose it could be argued that if the change makes the project more
efficient, more viable, they are gaining a benefit, but what assurances
are there that the benefit will happen?  i.e. what evidence is there
that the benefit they are slogging through mud for will actually occur?

I've read all the responses to the announcement, and I don't think I've
seen an architectural analysis.  
What communication requirements does a project like Fedora need?
What is the theoretical optimal process for each requirement?
Is there an existing optimal tool for each of those optimal
Are there sub optimal tools that can be used for multiple requirements?
Is the loss of effectiveness / efficiency of using a sub optimal
tool worth the reduction in the number of tools?

This is trying to answer the question, "If there was a magic wand we
could wave, and perfectly satisfy the communication needs of the
fedora project, what would that look like?"  And, "How would we get
from here to there?"
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