Josh Boyer wrote:
> I want to make sure I understand that statement.  You're saying you
> will actively walk away from Fedora because you would have to change
> the manner in which you discuss things?

I am saying I and many other existing contributors may or may not walk away 
from Fedora entirely, and even if not, may reduce our interaction with 
Fedora, due to being forced to use a discussion tool that does not support 
our workflows.

Heck, it does not even work in my browser (Falkon) without ugly workarounds. 

> That's certainly a choice one could make.  Personally, I would not
> prioritize keeping my bespoke email setup intact over working with a
> community on a project I care about.  If there's even a remote
> possibility moving to Discourse will attract more contributors to
> Fedora then I'd happily learn how to deal with it.  Change is
> difficult, but in the end it's something we're all capable of.

I do not understand this double standard: You and several others are 
expecting new contributors to walk away from Fedora due to the manner in 
which we discuss things, but in the same time act surprised when warned that 
existing contributors are likely to do exactly that. In fact, we have much 
more reason to do so because the new workflow is a regression, and forcing 
it on us over our objections actively tells us we are no longer welcome.

        Kevin Kofler
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