Am 29.06.23 um 17:49 schrieb Carlos O'Donell:
On 6/26/23 18:47, Jeff Law wrote:
What Red Hat has done may be technically legal and perhaps good for
its business.  However, to me it's ethically unconscionable.   Those
who know me know I'm not an zealot, but I do have a baseline set of
ethical values and Red Hat crossed that line.

Why is it ethically unconscionable? There is a lot of confusion around
what has happened and why. What you are saying, and what actually happened
don't line up in my mind :-)

Well, lets start just (and that alone is reprehensible) with untrue sentences that just miscredited the open EL-community (open EL-community == all without RH and RH customers). Its just a slap in the face of contributers, EPEL maintainers (non owners) and so on ...
This is just done to have a bigger gap in the reasoning argumentation.
This is FUD tactic and dignityless for RH. They have reasonable arguments to do what they do, but the "style" is ethically unconscionable.


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