On 6/26/23 18:47, Jeff Law wrote:
What Red Hat has done may be technically legal and perhaps good for
its business.

Something I'm having trouble with is Red Hat's position that
you can choose to be a customer or to exercise your rights
under the GPL, but you cannot be both.

The thing is, many people are learning this only now, because things indeed have become tougher for people who prepare the RHEL rebuilds, but this is not new. _Nothing_ in the service agreement or in any other legal document has changed since last week, the exact same terms have been applicable to the extended-support branches since the beginning of RHEL. In fact, as Frank pointed out elsewhere, this is something that other companies have been doing for decades as well.

For all the people that are complaining only now that the free beer part is taken away, I can't help thinking that it's a bit disingenuous to make it about "free as in freedom", when that clause has existed forever.

(As an aside, the service agreement also mentions that any open source license overrides the service agreement if needed. So by definition this might be void but it certainly is not a GPL violation).

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