Neal Gompa wrote:
> Because Plasma Wayland... is just KDE Plasma.

But in the real world, users use applications that are not KDE or even Qt 
applications (or ones that use old versions of Qt that will never natively 
support Wayland, or old versions of other toolkits in the same situation, 
such as GTK 2, for that matter). Even if they use the most recent version 
of, say, GTK, there will always be differences in interpretation of the 
Wayland specifications which lead to interoperability problems (e.g., both 
GTK and GNOME Shell deliberately refusing to support server-side window 
decorations on Wayland, but also genuine interoperability bugs that can take 
a long time to get fixed such as this touch input bug: that was finally fixed 1½ years 
after having been initially filed and sent back and forth between KDE and 
GTK bug trackers). So in the real world, there ARE interoperability problems 
that you just cannot argue away. What real users (will) use is NOT "just KDE 

        Kevin Kofler
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