On Wed, 2012-02-08 at 11:03 -0800, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:

> > > If the anaconda support for UsrMove is not merged (and maybe not even
> > > written?), then why was an untestable and incomplete feature merged?
> > 
> > Well, it becomes a semantic argument. You can, after all, install with
> > the /usr move in place, right now. You can upgrade from F16 with /usr
> > move in place, if you follow the yum instructions. You can then test the
> > *feature itself* perfectly well. Arguably, anaconda support for the
> > feature is not part of the feature. You could go either way on this, but
> > it's not an obviously wrong statement.
> >
> I think I would fall firmly on anaconda support being needed for the
> feature.  It was one of the things that the FPC was counting on when it
> approved it, for instance.  If anaconda support doesn't make it in, we
> won't be able to release with UsrMove activated.

At this point we're talking about the (first) feature freeze, not the
final release. The question is whether there's a violation of the
feature process if anaconda doesn't have support for usrmove *right
now*, not whether there's a problem if it doesn't have support by
release time.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
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