On Wed, 2012-02-08 at 13:44 -0800, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-02-09 at 03:07 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> > On 02/09/2012 02:30 AM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> >  As far
> > > as things-that-are-actually-QA are concerned: we mostly go by the
> > > release validation process, and per the criteria, upgrades have to work
> > > by Beta, not Alpha. '
> > 
> > Any particular reason for this?  I think it makes sense to ensure
> > upgrades work in an alpha release as well.
> We don't necessarily think so. I mean, Alpha is *alpha*. We don't want
> to set the bar too high. It's mainly meant to boot and run and let you
> test the features that have been implemented. If you look at the point
> of an Alpha, there isn't a whole lot of point in supporting upgrades to
> it. You're not meant to be running Alpha on a machine you actually
> *care* about (although I know some of us do, I'm typing this on one :>).
> You're meant to be installing Alpha on a disposable throwaway
> machine/partition/VM and testing specific things on it. Given that,
> upgrade isn't a particularly important thing to have working, because
> there's no reason to preserve a previous configuration (which after all
> is what an upgrade does).

As the release criteria put it -

"The objectives of the Alpha release are to:

    Publicly release installable media versions of a feature complete
test release
    Test accepted features of Fedora 17
    Identify as many F17Beta blocker bugs as possible
    Identify as many F17Blocker blocker bugs as possible"
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora

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