

On Nov 22, 2011, at 08:38 , Jeff Squyres wrote:

> 1. Personally, I would love to rename the openib BTL to something that makes 
> sense and is a current name.  By "rename", I include "rename the directory" 
> -- so it would be ompi/mca/btl/ofrc, or something like that.
> 2. Good point about error reporting.  I would think that the component (e.g., 
> ofrc/openib BTL) should report the name that was specified by the user.  But 
> this could be a PITA to implement -- you couldn't just hard-code your 
> component name in error messages anymore; there would have to be some level 
> of indirection, such as a global variable that the MCA base fills in with the 
> name that your component was referred to by.  
> On Nov 22, 2011, at 9:34 AM, TERRY DONTJE wrote:
>> So with the aliasing scheme the code for openib would still under 
>> ompi/mca/btl/openib but you could access it with -mca btl ofrc?  Ok, so when 
>> an error happens in the openib btl how does it identify itself?  Does it use 
>> openib or ofrc?  This seems like there could be some user confusion by 
>> adopting the aliasing scheme.
>> --td
>> On 11/22/2011 9:22 AM, Jeff Squyres wrote:
>>> Here's what Nathan and I discussed / decided:
>>> 1. Nathan shied away from the name "xpmem" in case some other shared memory 
>>> scheme basically did the same thing as XPMEM (i.e., single copy 
>>> techniques).  (just FYI: xpmem's setup is a little different from KNEM, 
>>> though, so they didn't merge in KNEM support to vader)  Hence, he wanted a 
>>> neutral name that could apply to xpmem and others.  He and Sam have some 
>>> possible names that could be suitable ("single copy ...something..."; I 
>>> don't remember offhand).
>>> 2. We've long talked about having an MCA component aliasing scheme.  
>>> Perhaps now is the time to do it.  Such a scheme would do two things:
>>>   - provide alias names for components.  For example, both of the following
>>>     would be equivalent:
>>>         mpirun --mca btl openib,self ...
>>>         mpirun --mca btl ofrc,self ...
>>>   - automatically register alias MCA parameters.  For example, both of the
>>>     following would be equivalent:
>>>         mpirun --mca btl_openib_param 1 ...
>>>         mpirun --mca btl_ofrc_param 1 ...
>>> This would solve two problems:
>>> 2a. Finally be able to rename the "openib" module to something more 
>>> sensical; "ofrc", perhaps?  ("ofrc" = OpenFabrics reliable connected 
>>> transport, as opposed to the existing "ofud" = OpenFabrics unreliable 
>>> datagram transport BTL).
>>> 2b. Rename vader to be xpmem, because it only supports xpmem at the moment. 
>>>  If that component is expanded in the future to support other similar 
>>> single-copy schemes, it can be renamed to some neutral name and have 
>>> "xpmem" as an alias.
>>> Nathan agreed to look into a module aliasing scheme / vader->xpmem rename 
>>> after he works the hide-OB1/BTL-descriptor-lengths issue that was 
>>> previously discussed on the list.  This will likely be in early/mid 
>>> December.
>>> On Nov 17, 2011, at 8:11 AM, Jeff Squyres wrote:
>>>> After having to explain to someone at SC for the umpteenth time this week 
>>>> that the "vader" BTL uses the XPMEM transport under the covers, I'd like 
>>>> to put forth an appeal to rename the "vader" BTL to be "xpmem."
>>>> Here's my rationale for why:
>>>> 1. Although we have a history of Star Wars-related names, the "ob1" and 
>>>> "r2" components got their names because they're mainly algorithms that 
>>>> have no obvious name that describes what they do.
>>>> 2. All other components that tie into some back-end system are named 
>>>> reflecting the back-end system (e.g., tcp, mx, portals, ...etc.).  
>>>> "openib" is the weakest example, but we all know that it was named way 
>>>> back when OFED was named "OpenIB", and the name has kinda stuck.
>>>> 3. The BTL name "xpmem" follows the law of least astonishment from the 
>>>> user's perspective.
>>>> 4. Cute names rarely seem so after 6 months.
>>>> I'll even volunteer to do the work to rename it (a bunch of file moves and 
>>>> global search-and-replaces).
>>>> -- 
>>>> Jeff Squyres
>>>> jsquy...@cisco.com
>>>> For corporate legal information go to:
>>>> http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/
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>> -- 
>> <Mail Attachment.gif>
>> Terry D. Dontje | Principal Software Engineer
>> Developer Tools Engineering | +1.781.442.2631
>> Oracle - Performance Technologies
>> 95 Network Drive, Burlington, MA 01803
>> Email terry.don...@oracle.com
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> -- 
> Jeff Squyres
> jsquy...@cisco.com
> For corporate legal information go to:
> http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/
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