Let me quickly introduce my simple idea.

(tl;dr: create copy of current overlay, remove Sabayon-only stuff from
it, then using some wizardy make the second overlay.)

I create a temporary throw-away git repository. It will be a copy of
current 'sabayon' overlay.
>From it all Sabayon-only stuff will be removed (1).
When it's done any only stuff that Gentoo users will like is in it,
I'll do this:
 cd sabayon
 # first take care of new changes done after copying the overlay, then
 rm -r * # .git will be left untouched
 cp -r $beforementionedgitrepo/* .
 # at this point git will see removed files, they're not needed, remove them:
 git rm $everything_not_needed
 git commit -m 'split overlay, credits to ....'
 git push
- one commit and all Sabayon-only stuff will be removed from current
sabayon overlay (I propose not to change this overlay's name).

So, now we have a "Gentoo-friendly" overlay. We take the list of what
is in it {modify it a bit, make sure it's ok…}, and feed the script
I've shown above which will create "Sabayon-only" overlay. Profit.

Because the segregation would be done on external git repo, current
work wouldn't be interrupted.


(1) The idea of doing it using a temp. git repo is to ease collaboration on it.
Not to make anyone who wants to help (Ian? :P) make double work or
collisions, one person can claim he will do these-and-those categories
and then mark them as done in a file (echo done app-misc >> blah;


Things to consider when choosing where a package belongs (useful for
me when I forget):
- is it useful for Gentoo users,
- does it depend on Sabayon-specific packages (like split ones - in
this case make it go to 'sabayon-distro' (or whatever you call it) or
"fix" it),
- is it in Portage already, if so: if it's a version upgrade or fix
Gentoo users may want, probably make it go into "Gentoo-friendly"
- more?

About other files:
- eclass - if any package requires it, leave it in overlay unless it
makes some unwanted changes for Gentoo folks.


As Ian mentioned, enough words, let's do something. :) If someone
doesn't have a better idea or doesn't make me some harm due to my
verboseness, I'll create said temp. git repository on GitHub later
when I have time. I'll give rw access for Ian and Fabio, because I
know what's your GitHub accounts, the rest who wants it should ping


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