Ebuild sorting done, commits "squased" into one and pushed to another
branch, gentoo-squashed-merge (note how cool name). Need to do then
other stuffs like with sets/*.

If someone has a suggestion on something, speak up!

I'm confused with: sets and profile/updates - they refer to packages
that are intended to be in these two overlays. Don't know if there's a
single set that refers to packages from both, but there is such
problem for profiles/updates files.
- My idea about sets - KISS, remove em all from "for Gentoo" overlay
driven by idea that if someone (the chroots?) has "for Sabayon"
overlay attached, he has the "for Gentoo" one in use too. So if a set
that is going to be in "for Sabayon" contains "app-misc/w00t" that has
to be in "for Gentoo" and "app-misc/ugh" that has to be in the other
one, all dependencies will be met. Unless PMs are more strict about
this and require all packages in set to be in Portage or strictly the
overlay the sets/blah file is in. Will test…
- The second thingy, profile/updates. If say 3Q-1892 :P contains
"app-misc/bleh" that is in "for Sabayon" and "app-misc/argh" that is
in "for Gentoo"… I think those files should be split too (atoms moved
to relevant directory) and PMs will be happy.

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