Hello everyone,
this week I made some success with exploring RIOT OS.
But now I stuck with trying to get a data transfer between a 6LoWPAN equiped Raspberry Pi and "RIOT-MCUs".

All my tests are based on the gnrc_networking example.

First I made a UDP transfer between 2 identical RIOT equiped MCU boards. On the first device I started a UDP server and from the other I generated some data trafic to the other. Result: full success - I have seen
the traffic on the shell (pktdump) and it was O.K.

Then I set up a Raspberry for usage with 6LoWPAN as described on the RIOT web page. ping6 works wonderful in each direction but when I tried to get data trafic through UDP I got
nothing - neither in one direction nor in the other.
I tried also to listen to the UDP port with netcat6 - also no success.

Can anyone give me a hint what's different between a UDP transfer between 2 RIOT devices and a trafic between a Linux-based UDP server and a RIOT-based device? The "basic"-Interface seems O.K. because
of the working ping6.

Thanks a lot!
Best regards,
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