On 16/02/2020 00:36, Chris Johns wrote:

On 2020-02-15 03:02, Sebastian Huber wrote:
Move the idle thread body configuration constant out of the
configuration table.

Provide a default definition of the idle thread body constant.

May be I am missing something simple here. How would I provide an custom IDLE task? Is it by providing something like ...

#include <rtems/score/threadidledata.h>

const Thread_Idle_body _Thread_Idle_body = My_Idle_body;

No, definitely not. An application designer should use the documented API:


The goal of this and follow up change sets is to split this 3k LOC file (confdefs.h) in easier to review pieces.

The file contains also comments which should be in the Classic API Guide, e.g. how to configure the filesystems:


This is just an enumeration of the options. The user has no idea how things are related after reading this section.

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