Okay, Phase II.

(1) Introduce "bundle_frameworks" CONFIG option, and set it default for "rpath" 
shared builds on iOS & OS X

(2) Introduce "bundle" make target, when "bundle_frameworks" CONFIG is set, it 
is added to "all"

(3) Make's "bundle" will copy (update if not there) all used Qt frameworks to 
app's bundle Frameworks and used plugins to Plugins (currently implemented as 
separate macdeployqt)


* Since qmake knows which Qt libraries and plugins are used "bundle" target it 
will generate following Makefile entries

        all: Sample.app bundle

        bundle: Sample.app/Frameworks/QtCore.framework
          mkdir -p Sample.app/Frameworks && cp -r 
$$[QT_INSTALL_LIBS]/QtCore.framework Sample.app/Frameworks

Of course this example is simplification, since we don't need to copy headers 
and we need to take debug versions or release. So there will be more commands 
in practice.

* One can disable "bundle_frameworks" via CONFIG -= bundle_frameworks, so 
existing workflow where executable is given rpath pointing to Qt libraries

* If disabled, one can still do "make bundle" that is equivalent to current 
"macdeployqt" and "bundle" target will also add "install_name_tool" -rpath 
replacement steps

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