On 13/03/2018, 3.15, "Development on behalf of Jason H" 
<development-bounces+tuukka.turunen=qt...@qt-project.org on behalf of 
jh...@gmx.com> wrote:
>    Sure. But how much refactoring is Qt going to accept without a commitment 
> to the web agenda? How much prioritization will it be allowed? Will the Qt 
> company 
>    support it as a real part of Qt? It's easy   to say patches welcome, when 
> there are none, but when there's a deluge will that love still be there?

Currently this is still research, as I explained in my recent roadmap blog 
post. But there certainly is a lot of business interest towards this, and we 
are making good progress technically. Even rather complex and dynamic UIs work 
decently on a desktop machine. At least with Chrome, unfortunately not all 
browsers are yet on par with it when it comes to WebAssembly. Assumption is 
that this improves. 



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