Matthew John Toseland <> writes:

> On 12/09/17 22:34, Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
>> Matthew John Toseland <> writes:
>>> But we need *something* in this approximate area.
>> I fully agree with that. I think however that we need to be careful not
>> to require user interaction for that. Users already added the friend, we
>> can’t require more than maintaining the friend connections. Otherwise
>> that would be the next bottleneck.
> What makes you think we'd need user interaction?

That’s how I understood it.

> If there is any deconfliction it's all at the client level, not the
> node. The client can enforce any appropriate rules and decide to cast a
> vote by reinserting the block it most prefers. The user might get
> involved if there's a dispute about e.g. eliminating spammers.

I don’t understand how the client casts votes without exposing the
data it uses to decide how to vote. How do you avoid coupling private
data with the insert decisions?

> Proposal 0: Bundles
> -------------------
> If an SSK insert has maximum HTL, we pre-route it along a fixed
> pseudo-random path, which ideally doesn't change for a given source
> node. It only uses friend connections, and stays at max HTL until a
> pseudo-random termination point (always the same node on a static
> network). After that it turns into an ordinary insert.

Do I understand it correctly that this means that all inserts from a
given source initially travel along the same path?

If yes, then it sounds good.

> There are tricks we can use to compensate for churn by using shadow
> nodes so that even if we can't route it to fixed peer A, we route it to
> fixed peer B instead, but the following hop is the same (possibly using
> FOAF connections and proof of previous arrangements and whatever).

That sounds like quite a bit of additional complexity but a nice
longterm goal.

It would be great to have this for requests, too, since this would
clearly stop most correlation attacks which are used right now.

> Proposal 1: Scarce SSKs with global (per-node) scarcity
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Proposal 2: Scarce SSKs with per-key scarcity and multiple versions
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Proposal 3: Scarce SSKs with voting
> -----------------------------------
I don’t really understand these three. They all sound like they could
leak information from the anonymous ID layer to the networking layer.

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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