Matthew John Toseland <> writes:
> The above is slightly inaccurate. For a genuine user, the third step
> starts off as a bundle, then later becomes a broadcast. We enforce the
> scarcity and popularity requirements in both stages.

Doesn’t enforcing scarcity at the bundle level create information
leakage about the length of the bundle-tunnel?

>> However a solation which keeps the resilience of WoT active could be
>> built on top of what you describe by not having one global queue but
>> rather N queues with each ID trusting one of the queues chosen at
>> random. Every day you choose another section to watch.
>> N could be chosen by taking the size of the WoT into account.
> For Scarce KSKs to work, as currently designed, the queue needs to be
> *very* popular. So maybe have everyone subscribe to the global queue,
> but new identities only accepted automatically by some randomised subset
> of the graph. Then you need to get some likes or whatever before you can
> be seen more widely.

That should work, too, yes.

There could also be multiple different applications listening for the
same queue. It only says "there’s a new key".

>> This would enable use-cases like automatic newsbots (something I’m
>> sorely missing for babcom_cli).
> I don't understand this use-case.

I’d like to provide users with some amount of autonomous systems who for
example aggregate posts about a given topic. Something like mailing
lists. But for these, they must work without user interaction, but
without opening an avenue for spamming.

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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