Congratulations on your ability to Google information that has always been
public. I have little interest in talking to people who make false
accusations of impropriety. When you grow up you'll understand.

On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 6:01 AM <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I respect your wishes, however misguided, to protect the anonymity of
> your fellow board members Scott Miller, Oskar Sandberg, and Adam
> Langley, and your undoubtedly distinguished secretary Steven Starr.
> However, they and you should know that as a nonprofit corporation
> registered in the United States, specifically Austin, Texas, their
> names are not private information.
> You are making decisions with respect not simply to a community of
> people who's only investment is time, but also to an actual, registered
> corporation, EIN 95-4864038.  You do not have the right to privacy in
> making these decisions.  You do not have the right to anonymity from
> those who contribute cash to you.  I am not qualified as a lawyer to
> state what disclosures or decision making powers you owe to those who
> fund you.
> I am, however, qualified to state that you do not get to hide in the
> dark.  Operating a corporation comes with some costs; among them,
> accountability.  Anyone can quite easily fine the EIN of The Freenet
> Project Inc, and from there use the IRS's handy free tool located
> here[1] to get to a nice data page with this information.
> [1]:
> I have uploaded a copy of the Freenet projects 2019 tax return to
> Freenet[2].  Not Freenet Classic; in fact because I used the most
> modern compression scheme in inserting it Freenet Classic will fail to
> load this file.  This is public domain information; you knew that when
> you submitted it, because it said in nice bold letters that it was
> "Open to public inspection" and that you should "not enter social
> security numbers on this form".
> [2]: CHK@GkFzsiuQV8QB6R9t7du3lsFPk9NJB0GyhDQzHwn9EFc
> ,pDW2x5PL6ett9a0mHLHvlqnhy73rEhQ4UVS8yU2yCmk,AAMC--8/954864038_201912_990EZ_2020101017366462.pdf
> You have the right to lie, and to obscure public information.  What you
> lack is the right for others not to release that information.  I find
> it very interesting that you claim to work 14 hours per week in service
> of Freenet, when it seems that nobody can attest to you doing any work
> at all.
> That's all.  Sorry for nerco'ing the thread, but I've been pretty busy
> for a while and thus wasn't aware of this occurring.
> Oh, and one more thing.  As a proud member of the next generation, at
> the noble young age of 19, I want to state, on the record, that I am
> strongly opposed to this change.  You're a Gen X'er.  Only one step
> above a boomer.  And yet you claim to know what will be good for a
> future that you have sabotaged?  Our world is burning, people are
> dying, and yet you seem to believe that because you started a project
> before I was even born you have the right to rename it and force others
> to do hours of work on your behalf?  At least go to the effort of
> updating your own Wikipedia page to clarify that, contrary to the
> understanding of every person under the sun, "freenet" refers to to a
> specific model of communication program but to a "mission statement".
> Statistically speaking, you will be dead before the 20-year horizon
> you're so concerned about will come to pass.  I'll still be here,
> trying to clean up the mess you created through your narcissism in
> beliveing that you have any rights over this project simply because you
> hold the corporate presidency.  Freenode is dead.  Don't kill Freenet
> too.
> Calum Morgan McConnell
> Electrical and Computer Engineering Student
> Lafayette College
> P.S.  I'd include my address here, too, since I am pointing the world
> to where yours can be found.  But I haven't founded any corporations,
> and I certainly haven't decided to skimp on paying for a PO Box rather
> than just include the address to my 3 bedroom family home on the tax
> returns.  So you'll just have to hunt that information down yourself.

Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: <>

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