On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 11:55 AM, Marius Dumitru Florea <
mariusdumitru.flo...@xwiki.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 2:48 PM, Ecaterina Moraru (Valica) <
> vali...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi devs,
> >
> > The purpose of this mail is to decide on some rules for where admin
> related
> > applications should be located. This mail resulted after a discussion
> with
> > Vincent and it was initially started by the proposal to move Menu
> > application inside Administration [1].
> >
> > Some mentions:
> > - Admins should have a central place where they could find all the
> > applications they can use and are intended for them. Having a central
> > location helps discoverability. Administration would be that place.
> >
> > - Applications have configurations and actions. All configurations should
> > be in Administration. If the actions are targeted only to Administrators,
> > they should be listed also in Administration. We will use TABS, one for
> > configuration, one for the actions UI (ex Invitation app). If the actions
> > are targeted also to Users, than this application should be publicly
> > available (ex User Directory).
> >
> I don't think it's that simple. Applications also have entries (data) and
> the person that creates the data is not always the person that decides how
> the data is used. The user that creates the panel, the menu, the tour, the
> color theme, the icon theme, the skin etc. could be a content writer, a
> designer, a developer and not necessarily the administrator. I find it
> strange to have to give administration writes to a designer to allow him to
> create a new color theme.
First of all I want to have all the related apps in one place, and that is
Administration. We should use configurableClass and includes and let the
Admin navigate through all the applications that are needed for him to
configure the wiki. There is no way he would know that he needs to go in
some apps from AppBar, but in the others (like in the case of Menu app).

Now I agree some applications might have other users involved. For that we
have the dedicated spaces. I didn't said that we need to protect Icon
Themes with Admin rights. But from Administration you should be able to
navigate and even better have the UI included there. If someone wants to
create Panels, know where they are and have rights on them, go create them.
So Administration should not be the only UI to manage the entries, but
should incorporate them.

Currently we don't have any link towards IconThemes management, we have no
link / inclusion towards Menus. We have a link towards Panels, but we break
the context when we are navigating there.


> > - These mixed target applications, might have admin dedicated actions
> > displayed in place (ex. livetable edit, delete entry. ex. Repository app
> > import). This is fine since it preserves the context, not all admin
> actions
> > should be present exclusively in Administration.
> > - Application Index should contain only applications that are targeted
> > towards normal users. Admins will have Administration as entry point.
> > - If the application needs to add special permissions to a group of
> users,
> > these can be added with rights, or provide manual links towards the
> > application in a custom menu/panel (ex Stats app providing access to a
> > particular user).
> >
> > This means several changes for the following applications:
> >
> > Bundled apps listed in AppIndex:
> > 1. Invitation App - Move the actions (Invitation.WebHome) to
> > Administration. Use ConfigurableClass and create a new Tab containing the
> > actions. Remove the AppBar entry (UIExtensionClass).
> > 2. Panels - move to Administration, remove the AppBar entry.
> > 3. Menus - move to Administration, remove the AppBar entry.
> > 4. Scheduler - move to Administration, remove the AppBar entry.
> > 5. Tour - move to Administration since it contains tour definitions.
> > 6. User Index - leave it public, but remove the AppBar entry since there
> is
> > a dedicated Drawer entry.
> >
> > Recommended apps:
> > 7. Antispam tool app - move to Administration, remove the AppBar entry.
> > 8. Nested pages Migrator - move to Administration, remove the AppBar
> entry.
> > 9. Filter Streams Converter Application - move to Administration, remove
> > the AppBar entry.
> > 10. Flash Messages Application - move to Administration, remove the
> AppBar
> > entry.
> >
> > Note:
> > - In case we might have a lot of applications listed in Administration,
> we
> > might need in the future to reorder them and prioritize some. We might
> need
> > to introduce the concept of Simple / Advanced administration, where in
> > Simple we could have just the applications that are mandatory for the
> > initial configuration flow. This should be discussed later.
> >
> > Let me know what you think,
> > Caty
> >
> >
> > [1] http://xwiki.markmail.org/thread/romxz7iylujslg36
> >

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