Hi Marlene,

Thank you so much for your offer: it doesn't drive me mad, on the
contrary - but maybe a project in a Swiss psychiatric hospital is not
really within the agenda of potentialafrica.com?

After all, Switzerland is a rich country and should be able to finance
a less DIY version of that project. In fact some cantons here are
pretty good at that: Vaud has the Joker project
<http://www.joker-vd.ch/>, which was very much in my mind when I
started showing folks how to use a computer at the hospital.

It's just that a) I'm not good at fundraising; b) Ticino, where that
hospital is, still has a far more IT-illiterate cantonal
administration than Vaud; c) psychiatrical hospitals have grounded
reasons for being wary of the use patients might make of IT, and in
this case, quite a few less grounded fears.

For instance, when S.,  a young translator, who was hospitalized for
painkillers abuse due to the consequences of a bad car accident, asked
me to help her make a digital CV, at first, the nurses in her section
of the hospital were very suspicious. Then on the day I decided to
tell them I was ready to fully undress for inspection before the
lesson with S., they had just decided I could be trusted and they let
us work in her room, unsupervised.

In the section I was in, it was a bit easier because there are no
patients with substance abuse problems there. So the staff soon
accepted and encouraged the idea of letting people get the hang of
computers. Even the therapy director of the hospital was quite
favorable, after a while.  But still, the hierarchical structure is
complex and heavy - and I should first find the right people who could
OK such a project - and the fundraising for it.



On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 10:44 AM, Marlene Bramley
> Hi there Claude
> I think your example of a "telecentre" is fantastic, it is very important 
> that people are exposed to technology through a person that is informed, 
> gentle and passionate as you seem to be.  Now my job would be to find you, 
> give you the funding you need to continue this good work and to supply you 
> with software and hardware that might help you train thousands of people 
> consistently (well if the thought of it does not drive you mad :)
> Kind regards
> Marlene
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