I think an inventory would be really really good.  We have an ewaste 
recycling/reuse program and we have given 1500+ computers to individuals 
who would not otherwise afford one. 

Karen Keppler

Morgan Sully wrote:

>This is awesome!  Have you shared this elsewhere?  Is Phil Shapiro on  
>here?  This totally sound like something he'd do.  A 'Phil Shapiro' :)
>.+ Morgan Sully +.
>Online Communities
>Electronic Music
>New Media
>On Jul 1, 2008, at 12:17 PM, "Claude Almansi"  
>>On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 7:53 PM, Foo HK  
>><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Perhaps all members can enlighten the rest of us what measures are  
>>>we taking to close the digital divide.
>>>Many people, like global warming tend to talk and talk only but no  
>>>action. We call them NATO  ...No Action Talk Only. In the end, the  
>>>artic summer would be without ice anyway (latest news)...first time  
>>>in history there may not be any Artic ice in Summer.
>>>Similarly when we are in digital divide, what concrete actions we  
>>>know of to overcome such other than just talk?
>>>Perhaps each member can contribute to this?
>>LOL OK: on a "think globally act locally" line, when I had a nervous
>>breakdown last Autumn, I organized what may have been the tiniest
>>"telecentre" in the psychiatric hospital where I went: my Mac laptop,
>>with NeoOffice (for-Mac version of OpenOffice). Some patients asked me
>>how to write a CV or job applications, so I showed them and made
>>models. Then there was a young woman, cattle-raiser by trade and
>>bloody good amateur photographer, so we went to a café with a wirele 
>>connection and she made herself a Picasa picture album. That kind of
>>When I left the hospital, I donated an iMac Bondy (vintage 2000) I
>>don't really need anymore, to the patients of the section where I had
>>been, setting it up with an admin and a user account, showing one of
>>them - typographer by trade - how to ... administer the puter.
>>We made of shared-files folder with the CV and letter templates, plus
>>a series of recipes (in that section, we cooked our evening meals
>>though we ate lunch at the hospital mensa),  And I made a VERY BASIC
>>tutorial on the use of the puter ("Top right on any window, there's a
>>blue circle with a magnifying glass. Click on it to open a search
>>application in order to find files you have mislead. At the bottom of
>>any window, you'll see a series of symbol: it's called "Dock" and the
>>symbols are for the most frequently used programs, plus possibly other
>>programs you're using" - end of tutorial).
>>Then we made a users log form, with a column to write down possible
>>glitches and one for number of pages printed.
>>I mean, folks end up in a psychiatric hospital for a number of reasons
>>- but one fairly frequent one here in Switzerland is job problems,
>>often caused in turn by lack of IT training.  So if they are
>>hospitalized for a certain length of time, it's a good occasion to
>>catch up on this. One young woman had never touched a keyboard or a
>>mouse, but she wanted to get a computer when she came out, though she
>>had little money to spare for one. So we got permission  to go to the
>>Centro Sociale Autogestito Il Molino
>><http://isole.ecn.org/molino/sito/index.php> in Lugano, so that she
>>could try their refurbished computer with Ubuntu and OpenOffice,
>>Firefox ecc.  Being virgin of either Windows or Mac influences, she
>>never batted an eyelid and started working there alone.
>>'s all for recent activities in that field. But I promised I'd go back
>>to the patients' association, Club 74, for a workshop on how to
>>introduce beginners to computers, based on the KISS principle -
>><http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KISS_principle> ;-)
>>Claude Almansi
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Karen Keppler MBA
Managing Partner, Cathedral Group
511 Robinson Ave.,Selkirk, MB R1A 1E5
Phone: (204) 482 2115
Fax: (204) 589 3800
Web: www.cathedral.mb.ca

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