This windiows installer went wrong on me.
First, it tried to uninstall, it offered to uninstall from 'C:\D'. My DMD
install is 'C:\dev\D'... The path was presented in a greyed out textbox
that I couldn't type in to correct it, and no button to select the true
install location.
The uninstall step failed.

Then when reinstalling I was given the option where to install, I chose
'C:\dev\D' and it installed over the top of my existing install, and wiped
my sc.ini file. So I need to configure the DirectX SDK paths again.

Side note:
I still think the installer really should detect the DXSDK; it's a
Microsoft library, and virtually any multimedia software developed with
VS2010 or prior will depend on it (It's merged into the WinSDK since

The DXSDK install paths are:
Include: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Include
Lib: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Lib\x64

The "(June 2010)" part is a safe assumption, it's the last released one,
and it will remain so since it's now bundled with the WinSDK for more
recent visual studio releases. It's the only one available on the Microsoft
As I see it, if we profess to support VS2010 and prior, then we should
detect the DXSDK paths in the installer, otherwise software that builds
fine in VS2012+ won't work with VS2010 without user intervention, and that
will almost certainly lead to posts on this forum.

On 4 August 2014 11:12, Dicebot via Digitalmars-d-announce <> wrote:

> On Thursday, 31 July 2014 at 12:51:53 UTC, Andrew Edwards wrote:
>> DMD v2.066.0-rc1 binaries are available for testing:
> Want to bring attention of wider audience that this release really needs
> all help it can get - regression count still stays high as new ones get
> fired after old ones are fixed and schedule is long overdue. Any help will
> be appreciated.

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