On 19/07/2015 1:34 a.m., Ali Çehreli wrote:
On 07/17/2015 12:37 PM, Jack Stouffer wrote:

I just added Ali Çehreli's "Programming in D" on Goodreads. If any of
you have accounts, please rate the book, because people do use Goodreads
to find books as well as determine if a book is worth their time.

Also, Andrei's book is also on Goodreads if you haven't already rated

Thank you for doing that.

On a related note, the paper version of the book is in proofing stage: I
have just ordered a print copy for proofing. (I don't expect any major
problem as what they print is the same as the pdf copy.) It should hit
Amazon soon.

I am also trying to determine the price for the paper copy.
Unfortunately, the threshold price for standard distribution channels
came out to be a little over $17, which is almost the same as what I was
hoping to sell for. Adding extended distribution channels pushes the
threshold price to over $25. :(

What is a fare price for that book, considering that HTML and PDF
versions will always be free anyway?

I have started considering drastic changes to reduce the page count by

- making the font smaller (currently 10pt)

- reducing the margins

- removing the exercise solutions from the book (currently 50 pages)

none of which makes me happy because I've spent a long time on deciding
all of that. :-/ I am still sleeping them over.


The way to program - Let's think like a D(eveloper).

What I'm doing for it is evil but simple.
Content is free (on Github), free to read + PR/issues for anyone.
Only no generation into e.g. PDF.

Want e.g. PDF, you pay to support me.
So don't make the print copy not as good. Make it good quality, put up the price to a reasonable amount.

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