On Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 04:59:00PM -0800, H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-announce 
> Sadly, `dmd - -run` currently doesn't quite work just yet. I should look
> into fixing that.  And *then* we wouldn't need to invent a temporary
> filename for the executable in our keybinding.

Turns out, the code change to make this happen is trivial:


With this PR, you can compile and run code in standard input without
needing to specify any filenames:

$ echo 'import std.stdio; void main() { writeln("Hello, World!"); }' | dmd -run 
Hello, World!

Of course, piping the output of `echo` to dmd isn't a big deal. A more
interesting use case is being able to pipe the contents of an editor
buffer to dmd as input, and instantly receiving the program output in
the editor.

For example, I can open a new window in Vim (no filename), and type in
the following contents:

import std.stdio;
void main() {
        writeln("Instant win!");

Then type:

        :0,$!dmd -run -

and the buffer contents are now:

Instant win!

(In English, the vim magic word above means:
        :               Enter command mode
        0,$             Take the range of lines from 0 to the end of file
        !               And filter these lines by a shell command
        dmd -run -      The command to run

This can, of course, be bound to a custom keybinding, then you'll have
your one-stop shop for compiling D snippets without ever seeing (much
less typing) any temporary filenames. And without needing an internet

Instant win!  :-P


When solving a problem, take care that you do not become part of the problem.

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