On Wed, Jul 04, 2018 at 06:05:15PM +0000, wjoe via Digitalmars-d-announce wrote:
> On Wednesday, 4 July 2018 at 08:50:57 UTC, Ecstatic Coder wrote:
> > But indeed, being able use D in a GC-free environment (like C++ and
> > Rust do) would be something many people may NEED, for instance to be
> > able to EASILY use D for soft-realtime applications like games.
> This has to be the no. 1 excuse.

+1.  It's typical GC-phobia that is mostly subjective and only tenously
backed by real evidence.

> The best thing about this whole argument, however, is the claim for GC
> no can do and with the next breath they pull LUA into their games. A
> scripting language that brings a VM, GC and extraordinarily inflated
> loading times when the scripts are compiled to byte code at the end
> user's PC which make C64 loading times shine.

Spot on!

> You said do this and that, GC, etc. to motivate C++ folks to come to
> D. I say it's an excuse not to use D and no matter the effort of
> advertising, a GC free phobos, etc. on part of the D-Lang Foundation
> and contributors would make these folks switch. They would simply find
> a different excuse.

Exactly.  As Walter has said before, (and I paraphrase,) it's far more
profitable to cater to *existing* customers who are already using your
product, to make their experience better, than to bend over backwards to
satisfy the critical crowd who points at issue X and claim that they
would not use D because of X.  But X is not the *real* reason they don't
want to use D; it's just an excuse.  Once you solve problem X, they will
find issue Y and say *that* is the reason they're still not using D.
And if you solve Y, they will find issue Z.  It never ends, and you're
wasting your efforts on non-customers who will *never* become customers.
Why bother?  Far better to improve things for existing customers (who
may then get you new customers by word-of-mouth of their success stories
-- *eager* new customers who aren't just looking for the next excuse not
to use D).


They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work. -- Russian saying

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