On Thursday, 21 May 2020 at 16:14:02 UTC, Seb wrote:
On Thursday, 21 May 2020 at 13:51:34 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
DIP 1028, "Make @safe the Default", has been accepted without comment.


"without comment" - even though there were a lot of unaddressed problems :/

Great! So what's the entire point of this process?
To give people the illusion of progress and participation?

Why we can't we have a technical board where the community can vote in experts and potentially companies could even buy a seat for $$$ which would mean a lot more for them than the current very vague sponsorship options. I'm aware that Walter doesn't like the idea of giving up ownership, but it makes all the other people question why they should still bother with this process and not simply fork and move to an open, transparent development...

I honestly don't know if that would help. We'd be moving from a system where Walter makes decisions based on his mood on a particular day to one where others make decisions based on their moods on a particular day. The only thing worse than letting one person choose what to implement is having a group of people choose what to implement.

Everyone has their own view of what is important. In my case, it's beginners and appealing to less technical users. Others view 20-year C++ programmers that specialize in performance optimizations as the only ones that matter. Needless to say, there's not a lot of overlap in the set of changes we think make sense. No matter who is making the decisions, the tradeoff between ease of use and technical awesomeness will continue to exist.

The problem as I see it is someone making a decision on his own DIP. That just doesn't make any sense to me, and I've stated that numerous times. Walter has a tendency to throw gas on the fire by ignoring much of the feedback and not spending time to understand the points others are making when he does respond. I really think you should have to convince *someone else* that your proposal is reasonable.

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