On Sunday, 26 April 2020 at 22:05:20 UTC, aliak wrote:
On Saturday, 25 April 2020 at 19:00:55 UTC, Anonymouse wrote:
On Saturday, 25 April 2020 at 09:38:59 UTC, aliak wrote:
Then I run this dub dustmite command:

dub dustmite -b unittest ../dubdust --compiler-regex="never matches"

I have had zero luck with dustmite via dub. I would honestly recommend that you create a shell script that does `dub test 2>&1 | grep "never matches"`, and just use that as a tester with dustmite directly.

Ok I got it working with that but it resulted in the wrong output (it was a bad test case basically" But expanding the shell script to

dub test 2>&1 | grep 'Error: static assert: \"handler #0 of type `Optional!(Exception) function(FailureContainer container) pure nothrow @nogc @safe` never matches\"'

now results in

Loading ./source/result/failure.d
Loading ./source/result/package.d
Loading ./source/result/result.d
Loading ./tests/result.d
None => No
Hint: use --no-redirect to see test script output
Hint: read https://github.com/CyberShadow/DustMite/wiki#initial-test-fails object.Exception@DustMite/dustmite.d(295): Initial test fails: Test script "dub test 2>&1 | grep 'Error: static assert: \"handler #0 of type never matches\"'" exited with exit code 1 (failure)
??:? _Dmain [0x10c56cf5e]

This is the full dustmite command:

dustmite --force . "dub test 2>&1 | grep 'Error: static assert:
\"handler #0 of type `Optional!(Exception) function(FailureContainer container) pure nothrow @nogc @safe` never matches\"'"

I'm not at the computer but I expect what's happening is backtick command substitution. It's difficult to get right since you want to nest quotes here, but you may be able to get around it by just escaping the backticks too. The easy solution is a shell script. I'll test it some more once I have something better to type on than the phone.

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