Thanks, as explained I am indeed porting old code.

No on the AA (as noted above). The mutex *is* created on demand. Every Object can have a mutex, and it's only created when you synchronize it for the first time.

Yes alright. I think the dev made a design mistake because he called synchronized( OpenAL.mutex ) when it should be more of a global, non OpenAL specific, mutex. I mean in the code there were things like (pseudo-code)
System {
  private int[] buffer

  func() {
    synch (openal.mutex)
      openal.dosmthg (buffer)
      buffer.change() // buffer being the member of System
Basically, it's the entire buffers handling ( the 3 statements) which should be done the "atomic" way, not just the calls to openAL. So the mutex should be a member variable of System at worse. I just replaced
synchronized ( openal.mutex )  {
synchronized { // create a global mutex

Of course synchronized (open.mutex) would probably work, but getting the mutex of an abstract class which is used only in part of the calls looks like a design error to me!

I would say the AA initialization is standard D. Using the class as a namespace isn't standard or necessary. If anything, it should be a struct, or you can use a template. But I can't see why you can't just use a module.

I replaced the AA entirely (by a switch in a nested function!). Got rid of the static init() then.

I replaced 'class' by 'struct', which does not oblige me to change the entire code using the syntax "OpenAL.smthg" . But I was tempted to go to the next step: import OpenAL = ...openal; // should not have to change any code either if it works!

I just have to verify all the imports in the other modules and I can delete the "struct OpenAL" scope. I don't have enough experience in D2 to think about the impact of such a change though, ie from *****
// openal.d file
module a.b.OpenAL

struct OpenAL{ void dosmthg()}

// another file
import a.b.OpenAL


******** to *******
// openal.d file
module a.b.OpenAL

void dosmthg()

// another file
import OpenAL = a.b.OpenAL


Thanks again for all the info so far. Learning a lot.

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