On Wednesday, 30 November 2022 at 22:46:52 UTC, jwatson-CO-edu wrote:

I have this small [gamepad input test program](https://github.com/jwatson-CO-edu/nanoverse/blob/main/d/raylib/04_jsInput/source/app.d). In the program, I poll the first 3 gamepad IDs, but all detection attempts return `false`. I know that my gamepad is an Xinput model. I have tried starting the program before and after the gamepad is plugged in, but there is no change.

bool GP0_found = IsGamepadAvailable(0); // false
bool GP1_found = IsGamepadAvailable(1); // false
bool GP2_found = IsGamepadAvailable(2); // false

Has anyone else experienced this and know the fix?

Which OS and wich controllers are you using?

You might want to open an issue on the raylib-d repo: https://github.com/schveiguy/raylib-d/issues

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