What is your GDC version? Looks like one with pre-2.063 front-end as it does not support `alias X = ...` syntax. vibe.d developers do try to support latest two released front-end versions but it is not as easy as it sounds (I hope situation will improve a lot once CI is finally up and running for vibe,d)

I think it's the latest version of GDC :-


which apparently supports 2.062. In the D community, is there not the concept of stable releases that all tools and libraries support or is it a free for all i.e. nothing works together ? Can I get an earlier version of vibe.d that is compatible with GDC ?

I notice that dub must be using a different version of phobos also :-

andrew@islay:~/dub/source$ gdmd app.d
dub/packagemanager.d:21: Error: module sha is in file 'std/digest/sha.d' which cannot be read

Is this something I can update easily ?

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