On Tuesday, 15 October 2013 at 14:38:32 UTC, Andrew wrote:
I think it's the latest version of GDC :-


which apparently supports 2.062.

Ugh, don't know about ARM build but GDC itself currently supports 2.063.2 version for both 4.8 and 4.9 branch.

In the D community, is there not the concept of stable releases that all tools and libraries support or is it a free for all i.e. nothing works together ? Can I get an earlier version of vibe.d that is compatible with GDC ?

Generally, only latest DMD release + latest library release are guaranteed to work. It is a big and complicated problem to get this right.

First, all 3 major compilers have incompatible ABI so they need whole own library stack built starting with druntime / phobos.

Second, bigger cross-platform programs like vibe.d have lot of version definitions that change behavior considerably (for example, various event drivers for vibe.d), on top of usual OS / processor versioning.

Combined together that creates an exponential configuration count that is almost impossible to test manually. Sonke (vibe.d author) has recently recognized what a disaster this creates and right now adding Continuous Integration testing is high priority target - but this is still work-in-progress.

As a result, with every small step from configuration common among library/program developers (usually it is latest DMD + x64_86 + Linux/Windows) probability of something breaking bad is damn high.

Actually, I don't know if vibe.d has ever been tested with GDC at all.

Is this something I can update easily ?

If rebuilding GDC from sources so that it will catch 2.063.2 frontend version is an option - it may help.

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