On Friday, 25 October 2013 at 14:14:39 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
This will work starting with 2.064:

module a;

import std.stdio;

struct ID
    string data;



void main()
    import std.typetuple;
    alias tests = TypeTuple!( __traits(getUnitTests, a) );

    foreach (test; tests)
        foreach (uda; __traits(getAttributes, test))
            static if (is(typeof(uda) == ID))
                if (uda == ID("two"))

It will print stuff twice though because I didn't suppress native unittest runner. Didn't actually dwell deep into runtime hooks so don't know what is best way to do it (maybe we need one more enhancement for it)

This is great. I love the unittest blocks and UDAs. This way I can still have very easy-entry (as in "just write unittest {}") unittests while gaining the power of unittest frameworks.

It's a hell of a lot better than having some class with attributes containing methods with attributes, containing parameters with attributes :) I'm developing RSI when writing tests in other languages. (In Java I develop RSI just declaring variables...)

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