On Wednesday, 31 July 2019 at 18:38:02 UTC, Alexandre wrote:
Hi everyone,

I would like an honest opinion.
I have a beginner level (able to do very small programs) in a few languages such as python, go, C, guile(scheme) and common lisp. I want to pick a language and go deep with it and focus on only one for at least the next 2 years or so.

Should I go for C and then when I become a better programmer change to D?
Should I start with D right now?

The reason I am considering starting with C: since I am a beginner, obvious I will need lots of books, tutorials, videos etc. And I believe C would have more resources and maybe a low level to help with programming in general. And, when I need a more powerful language, I would than learn D. Since you know the good and the ugly of the D programming language I wonder, what you would think would be the best to do right now?

Thank you for your help!

Hi Alexandre,

As you are deciding between C and D I can give you a tipp. Almost all C tutorials and knowledge you can use directly in D. Even the C library is available in D. You can program C within D if you like and switch whenever you need or like to higher concepts which will ease the development.
Also other C libraries you can use within D.

I would say, you loose nothing while starting with D.

Kind regards

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