On 06/18/2015 12:41 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

I definitely am sorry for not handling this better. What I should have
done in retrospect is to resume efforts to reach Martin privately after
evidence came about that he's alive and well, then discuss reasonable
communication expectations with him, and only after that resume the
public search for more release czars. I apologize to Martin and the
community for not taking that course of action.

We definitely need to move forward to having more release czars, which
reduces the demands on each. I'll do my best to learn the ropes and
document the process.

I'm not sure I can commit to any guarantees, at least not on the level of a "primary release czar" anyway, but I'd be willing to pitch in when needed as a secondary or backup or such. I'd just need a better idea of what exactly the role entails. If you can document the process as you suggest here, that would be a big help.

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