On 18 June 2015 at 16:43, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d <
digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

> Thanks all for the feedback; a follow up is in order seeing as there are a
> few misunderstandings of the situation.
> First off, framing this matter as impinging on someone's vacation is a
> misinterpretation. Taking time off has nothing to do with it - anyone
> should. Just Walter, myself, the "This Week in D" author, and the release
> manager please let us know so things can be planned accordingly.
> To thrive, we need to expand the inner circle of folks who are closely
> involved with D to the extent the community knows why they're missing when
> they're missing. Currently that circle includes only Walter and myself; if
> either of us would go dark for weeks without the other (and others)
> knowing, that'd be worrisome.
> To wit, I wrote this to Martin and Walter on May 31st:
> ====
> Today is May 31st, so we're entering the last month of H1. I'd like to get
> an early start on updating the vision document, and before creating yet
> another rambling thread on the forum I thought we should start between the
> three of us.
> What do you guys think would be the main points to attack in H2? Martin,
> it's particularly important to hear from you.
> ====
> I hope it's clearer that it was quite unsettling to not hear back about
> that or anything else.
> Regarding the volunteer vs. paid employee aspect - clearly that's a
> problem. All I can do now is work on the foundation and hope to find
> sponsors that would allow us to pay the release manager, the keeper of
> "This Week in D" and others.
> About the privacy aspect - the forum post came after repeated fruitless
> attempts of private contact. Addressing matters in person, privately, is of
> course the right way and the one I've tried through all channels I could
> think of.
> Building the process is a difficult and very important job. It stands to
> reason, then, that we need several folks who can do it and cover
> contingencies. Martin and I are in talks about building this release
> together; it would be great if we could get a broader participation.
> There's one more note of interest:
>  This is off-putting for me as someone who is getting steadily more
>> involved in D, what other implicit contracts do you think we've all
>> signed?
> None, of course. Far as I can tell the dynamics are as follows:
> * Walter and I can be counted on being around barring announced absences
> or exceptional circumstances.
> * Adam D. Ruppe, Walter, and I discussed that there will be consistency of
> "This Week in D". Announced outages are fine, "I'll do it when/if I get to
> it" is not.
> * The release managers should be counted on for planning and reliably
> carrying the release. I am now sorry I wasn't clearer about that.
> * There are a few folks with particularly important roles: Iain (GDC), Kai
> (LDC), Brad (autotester), and Vladimir (forum and a variety of tools). If
> any of these would suddenly leave, the community would be in difficulty.
> They work independently and I wish we found ways to pay them and coordinate
> better with them, but there is no implied or express expectation.
Not just GDC, but the whole GNU toolchain support for D too.


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