On Wednesday, 23 September 2015 at 15:09:53 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
On 09/23/2015 08:19 AM, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:

The most important can be paraphrased as "I had heard of D but as it
was getting no traction, I never looked at it again."

While I agree this is something we need to address, I gotta say: I *strongly* consider that attitude to be highly indicative of a mediocre-at-best developer.

This is engineering, not fucking fashion. Popularity has no place in decision making here. From everything I've seen, 90% of the problems that exist in computing technology today can be traced back directly to some jackass(es) weighing popularity higher than actual technical merit.

While there is truth to this, it's also true that people's time is valuable, and many programmers are not going to want to spend time learning a language that they're not going to be able to use in the long run. And even if it can be used in the long run, if they're not going to be able to use it in a job, then maybe their time is better spent learning a language which they _will_ be able to use in their job - or even help them get a job if they know it. That doesn't necessarily mean that such folks are mediocre programmers. They simply have priorities and learning a better language for the fun of it or simply for pet projects doesn't necessarily fit with those priorities. The more that D fits in with those priorities (e.g. the more jobs there are where D actually gets used), the more that many programmers will be interested in D.

Obviously, there's more to learning a programming language than learning a tool that you're going to be using at work, or most of us wouldn't be here, but not everyone is able to spend enough free time on programming to learn new languages for the fun of it, and many of those that could would rather spend their time actually programming something than learning a new tool.

I completely agree that programmers should learn multiple languages, and I would very much like to see technical merit win over simple popularity, but popularity does have a significant effect on which languages people use and which survive, and there's a definite argument to be made that there's less value in learning a language which isn't likely to be used much outside of pet projects. The simple fact that language X has more traction than language Y will generally help language X gain further traction regardless of which is technically better. We certainly hope though that the technical advantages of D will help it gain further traction so that we don't have quite so much of a chicken and egg problem there.

- Jonathan M Davis

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