On 06/19/2017 04:06 AM, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Reggae is D's pitch in the CMake and Meson class of meta-build tools.
Why aren't all the D compiler and tool developments using it?

I'm convinced a big part of that is because DUB is ubiquitous and incredibly helpful in the D world for package management, but plays very poorly with any build system that isn't DUB's internal one.

I've blown enormous amounts of time trying to get my projects (that need DUB for dependencies) to use alternate buildsystems without DUB getting in the way, and never really succeeded.

A. Figuring out how to obtain all the necessary import paths, link paths, etc to USE a DUB-repo-provided package (especially vibe) on the compiler command-line, and be sure that I'm actualy getting everything I need and that it won't be broken when the dependency is updated...

B. Figuring out how to tell dub "quit trying to compile/link my files yourself" without screwing up part "A" above in the process...

...it's just a mess, and despite the rediculous amounts of effort I've put into trying to get that all working sanely, even I mostly just gave up, just use DUB to build everything (even though it's slow), and shy away from attempting anything that's part of the supposedly "0.1%" of use-cases (such as including any libs or components that aren't D) which DUB, by design, doesn't attempt to address.

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