import std.algorithm.searching : find;


import std.algorithm : find;

that's just a missed opportunity to benefit from the split; we're in
no way worse after the split than before the split in that regard. We
can just leave it as `import std.algorithm : find;` with no adverse

On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 11:44 PM, Timothee Cour
<thelastmamm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  it's harder to find symbols
> i don't understand this argument.
> ```
> dscanner --declaration startsWith
> ./std/algorithm/searching.d(4105:6)
> ./std/algorithm/searching.d(4195:6)
> ./std/algorithm/searching.d(4265:6)
> ./std/algorithm/searching.d(4301:6)
> ```
> On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 11:31 PM, Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d
> <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, February 21, 2018 23:13:33 Timothee Cour via Digitalmars-d
>> wrote:
>>> from my perspective it makes sense to split a module M into submodules
>>> A, B when:
>>> * M is large
>>> * there's little interaction between A and B (eg only few symbols from
>>> A are needed in B and vice versa)
>>> * A and B are logically grouped (that is domain specific)
>>> * it doesn't turn into an extreme (1 function per module)
>>> Advantages of splitting:
>>> * easier to review
>>> * easier to edit (no need to scroll much to see entirety of module
>>> we're editing)
>>> * less pollution from top-level imports as they only affect submodule
>>> (likewise with top-level attributes etc)
>>> * more modular
>>> * doesn't affect existing code since `import M` will continue to work
>>> after M is split into a package
>>> * less memory when using separate compilation
>>> * allows fine-grained compiler options (eg we can compile B with `-O` if
>>> needed) * allows to run unittests just for A instead of M
>>> * allows selective import in client to avoid pulling in too many
>>> dependencies (see arguments that were made for std.range.primitives)
>>> Disadvantages of splitting:
>>> * more files; but not sure why that's a problem so long we don't go
>>> into extremes (eg 1 function per module or other things of bad taste)
>>> ---
>>> while working on https://github.com/dlang/phobos/pull/6178 I had
>>> initially split M:std.array into submodules:
>>> A:std.array.util (the old std.array) and B:std.array.static_array
>>> (everything added in the PR)
>>> IMO this made sense according to my above criteria (in this case there
>>> was 0 interaction between A and B), but the reviewers disagreed with
>>> the split.
>>> So, what are the guidelines?
>> It's decided on a case-by-case basis but is generally only done if the
>> module is quite large. std.array is not particularly large. It's less than
>> 4000 lines, including unit tests and documentation, and it only has 18
>> top-level symbols.
>> Also, remember that within Phobos, imports are supposed to be as localized
>> as possible - both in terms of where the import is placed and in terms of
>> selective imports - e.g. it would be
>> import std.algorithm.searching : find;
>> not
>> import std.algorithm : find;
>> which means that splitting the module then requires that all of those
>> imports be even more specific. User code can choose to do that or not, but
>> it does make having modules split up further that much more tedious. Related
>> to that is the fact that anyone searching for these symbols now has more
>> modules to search through. So, finding symbols will be harder. Take
>> std.algorithm for instance. It was split, because it was getting large
>> enough that compiling it on machines without large amounts of memory
>> resulted in the compiler running out of memory. So, there was a very good
>> argument for splitting it. However, now, even if you know that a symbol is
>> in std.algorithm, do you know where in std.algorithm it is? Some are obvious
>> - e.g. sort is in std.algorithm.sorting. However, others are not so
>> obviously - e.g. where does startsWith live? Arguably, it could go in either
>> std.algorithm.comparison or std.algorithm.searching. It turns out that it's
>> in std.algorithm.searching, but I generally have to look it up. And where to
>> functions like map or filter live? std.algorithm.mutation?
>> std.algorithm.iteration? It's not necessarily obvious at all.
>> From the perspective of users trying to find stuff, splitting modules up
>> comes at a real cost, and I honestly don't understand why some folks are in
>> a hurry to make module really small. That means more import statements when
>> using those modules, and it means that it's harder to find symbols.
>> Personally, I think that we should be very slow to consider splitting
>> modules and only do so when it's clear that there's a real need, and
>> std.array is nowhere near that level.
>> - Jonathan M Davis

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