Hi Jose,

Thanks much for your time. I am trying to understand the difference between
a certain unnamed modulation mode and single sideband with high carrier 
Looked upon from the inside and the outside but still with stable x-tal carrier 
as input 
to a balance modulator or perhaps a quadrature mixer.

I am serious Jose, at least trying hard in my own mind. Or you could also say
trying to prepare myself if I were to asked questions about radio amateur 
and had to answer them.

We here is the US are responsible for our doings on the amateur bands as the 
newsletter informed us, the view of the Commission is.

73 Rein W6SZ

-----Original Message-----
>From: "Jose A. Amador" <ama...@electrica.cujae.edu.cu>
>Sent: Mar 9, 2010 9:24 PM
>To: digitalradio@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: Re: [digitalradio] Re: Question for experts
>El 09/03/2010 17:11, rein...@ix.netcom.com escribió:
>> Hello Jose,
>> Multiple Frequency Shift Keying, OK, but you really
>> did not answer my question, I think.
>> Suppose I replaced the modulation device with a filtered
>> piano ( no harmonics ) a microphone.
>> I am serious, trying to find out the question we can't address
>> here any longer.
>> I used a x-tal oscillator.
>> Limited my BW to some 300 Hz
>> 73 Rein W6SZ
>I failed to see the twist and I still do not see what you are after.
>I took "My Way" (MP3), played on the piano by Richard Claydermann, and 
>processed it with Audacity, mixing it to mono, resampling to 11025 Hz, 
>saved it as wav, and played it back thru both Spectran and HDWinrad, one 
>at a time, both very steeply filtered, and what you hear are pings, 
>tingling noises with a very slight trace of musicality. There are also 
>some harmonics of the lower frequencies that bleed thru the filter, 
>since their spectrum falls in the selected bandpass.
>Can you give any further hints?  You might reproduce that yourself, 
>without spending a lot of money and waiting for your filter to be made.
>Jose, CO2JA
>Try Hamspots, PSKreporter, and K3UK Sked Page 
>Suggesting calling frequencies: Modes <500Hz 3583,7073,14073,18103, 
>21073,24923, 28123 .  Wider modes e.g. Olivia 32/1000, ROS16, ALE: 14109.7088.
>Yahoo! Groups Links

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